How JavaScript attracts more newbie programmers than any other language

How JavaScript attracts more newbie programmers than any other language


3 min read

  • Lightweight and Relaxed syntax rules

    If you've started programming with or even used other languages like C++ or Java you know how many restriction you need to face even before getting started with the actual programming e.g (java code):- "public static void main(string [] args)" even before that in java we need to declare a class we can't write any sort of program in java before declaring a class. So from a beginners point of view if they have a choice to start with much loosely typed language like JavaScript it's obvious that they'll go with it.

  • Charm of JavaScript

    Once you start writing code with JavaScript there is no going back at least for those who love web programming. The language provides so much functionality that its hard to resist. Name one programming language which can manipulate HTML/CSS and can be used to program for server side as well, can you? Nope, no other language is so powerful. You hate it, criticize it and at the end of the day if your project/domain is related to web you gotta learn it.

- Community

Be it tech twitter or stackoverflow or any other programming related blogpost website JS has the most amount of community support and it's not going anywhere until the next decade arrives. You are stuck somewhere? someone or some article will help you out as soon as you seek help. You can join discord channels which are active. Follow tech twitter handles people who have same interests as you. If your code is not running chances are it's already solved in a stackoverflow thread. Last but not least Ton of youtube channels with immense amount of valuable contents and tutorials. with such ecosystem provided for beginners it becomes easier for them to start their journey.

- Frameworks

Does it really needs intro ? Angular, React, Vue, Svelte, many more... they all are just competing with each other let alone any other language. JS frameworks are dominating the market. React a framework created by Facebook is taking over the world right now If you know react very well you my friend you are in demand in market right now. On the other hand we have node.js Which is a server side framework or we can say Backend solution in just one language, dedicate some time to learn this two very well no can stop you from fetching a job

- Lowest barrier to enter into a tech job

Majority of the companies don't ask for DS / Algo for frontend roles except for big MNC companies. Don't know why, I'll let you know If I meet Bezos or Zuckerberg someday. That does not mean it's easy, practice is the key no one learns programming over-night Everyone working in this industry right now dedicated their time and patience to master those skills.

- Conclusion

I hope this Blog helped you to figure-out why JavaScript is so popular language right now. It will continue to be popular unless some language really challenges it on the above mentioned grounds.

Thanks for reading it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ !!
